Horses Healing Heroes™ applies for government grants when they are available; however, they are few and far between. Our main source of funding is the generosity of individuals and companies that want to support our worthwhile program. We understand that donors to worthy causes want 100% of their donation to go directly to providing actual goods or services to the organization’s clients and not to covering its day-to-day operating expenses. We manage to keep the percentage that goes to operating expenses low by utilizing volunteers and donated goods and services.
All of our programs are offered at no cost to our Veterans, Law Enforcement and First Responders and all of our programs involve our therapy horses. We started with unfenced bare pasture and steadily are building a facility where our clients can work and heal year round with the horses and where the horses are safe and happy in large paddocks with all-weather shelters.
Horses Healing Heroes™ is a fully accredited, 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible.